Today we will be inaugurating a new series at zomblog. Each post’s title will begin with the words “In Berkeley…” and then go on to describe a specific fact which makes Berkeley different from any other city in the country. The text of each post will then always start, “Berkeley is so left-wing…“, followed by a photo and an explanation.
I’ve got several of these already lined up, with more in the works. Barring any time-sensitive posts covering possible breaking current events, over the upcoming days and weeks every zomblog post will be an “In Berkeley…” post. Keep checking back for more!
A final note: In previous writings here at zombietime, I’ve said that I think the left-wing/right-wing dichotomy is no longer a meaningful way to describe the political spectrum; and yet here I am describing Berkeley as “left-wing.” The reason I’m doing this is that Berkeley is so stuck in the past that it still is left-wing — even while the rest of the world is moving toward a new paradigm. By pointing out how ludicrous Berkeley’s anachronistic leftist identity appears in the context of the modern world, perhaps I can knock some sense into a few people.
Anyway — look for the first installment later today, with many more to come.
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