As mentioned in previous zomblog posts, Harry Hay (the activist who had “always inspired” Safe Schools Czar Kevin Jennings) once wrote a promotional blurb for a book put out by NAMBLA, the group which seeks to legalize sexual relations between adult men and young boys.

Although there is already a great deal of conclusive evidence showing that Harry Hay was a vigorous supporter and outspoken advocate for NAMBLA and its goals, proof of this additional detail arrived too late to be included in either of my two previous posts on the topic. And so, although it is just a minor component of the case for Hay’s deep connection to NAMBLA, I’ll present it here as a separate post.

I was finally able to track down a copy of the book in question, called A Witchhunt Foiled: The FBI vs. NAMBLA, in the law library at Stanford University (enter the title in the search box at the linked page to see the catalog listing). I obtained the following photographs of the book which indeed do prove beyond any doubt that Harry Hay wrote a promotional blurb for the back cover.

This is a photo of the entire book laid flat. You can see Harry Hay’s blurb in situ at the bottom of the back cover.

And this photo shows a close-up of Hay’s pro-NAMBLA blurb. The quote itself is fairly rambling, but concludes with,
“Thank you, NAMBLA, for giving me the space to express my appreciation for your travail.”

Inside, NAMBLA printed its self-described mission statement, which is to help and facilitate “men and boys involved in consensual sexual and emotional relationships with each other,” a stance which Harry Hay apparently endorsed.

A Witchhunt Foiled was written and published by the North American Man/Boy Love Association in 1985. It concerned an FBI investigation of NAMBLA in relation to an early-’80s missing-child case — an investigation which eventually turned up nothing relevant (which is why NAMBLA refers to it as a “witchhunt”).

As an interesting sidenote, unconnected to the Harry Hay blurb…

I just noticed that famed “in-your-face” sex activist Pat Califia was one of the other people who wrote a blurb for the book’s back cover.

Pat Califia is well-known as a NAMBLA supporter and pedophilia advocate who once wrote “Instead of condemning pedophiles for their involvement with lesbian and gay youth, we should be supporting them.”

That part is common knowledge.

What is less known is that when Kevin Jennings sought out a publisher for his first three books, he chose — of all the publishers in the world — Pat Califia’s publisher, Alyson Publications. As a result, Kevin Jennings’ books came out under the same imprint as Pat Califia’s books such as Macho Sluts, a collection by Califia which contains a short story about an incestuous S/M sexual relationship between a mother and her 13-year-old daughter, now considered a classic of taboo sadism porn.

Alyson was also famous as just about the only publisher in America that would release pro-pedophilia books by other authors, such as Pedophilia: The Radical Case by Tom O’Carrol, and The Age Taboo: Gay Male Sexuality, Power and Consent, by Dan Tsang.

Kevin Jennings’ first three books were all subsequently published by Alyson as well: Becoming Visible; One Teacher in 10; and Telling Tales Out of School.

Why Kevin Jennings thought it was appropriate to have his books published by the same company that also publishes pro-pedophila books is anyone’s guess. While it is true that Alyson has since that time published more titles aimed toward the mainstream by other well-known activists, it still seems to be a serious lapse in judgment on Jennings’ part. Authors can often be “typecast” by the publishing company they choose: for example, if you chose to have your book published by the imprint Sentinel, you would be generally identified as a conservative or right-wing author. And so on, with many specialized imprints and publishing houses. Jennings was a good enough writer that he undoubtedly could have approached any number of other, less controversial publishing companies.

Jennings continues to exacerbate the growing scandals by remaining silent on all these issues. With new stories breaking almost every day (including, for example, his connection to the radical activist group ACT-UP), he would be well-advised to publicly disassociate himself from his past and make a clean break with some of the questionable associations that continue to dog him.

Th following two images, of the book’s cover and title page, are only provided here as an appendix, and to dispel any doubts that this is a real book: