Obama Schedule || Wednesday, April 20, 2011These events were to be followed up with yet another fundraiser at the city's St. Regis Hotel the next morning.
1:30 pm || Arrives in San Francisco
1:45 pm || Participates in Town Hall on bringing down the deficit
6:15 pm || Delivers remarks at DNC fundraiser - private residence; San Francisco
8:30 pm || Delivers remarks at second DNC fundraiser - Nob Hill Masonic Center; San Francisco
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Afterward, employees were quickly shuttled out as they rebuffed reporters' attempts to interview them. Facebook is known for its rigorous effort to control its media image, and Zuckerberg seldom grants interviews.Wow. Even the guy who was lavishing sycophantic praise on his bosses was shut up and probably later admonished for speaking without permission. One word summation: Control.
An employee offering a glowing review of his employer and Obama's visit was interrupted by a company spokesman, who declined to give media access to audience members.
It was a stark contrast to Obama's easygoing introduction...
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Denise Bauer Russell Benioff Joelle Benioff Lynne Benioff Marc Benioff Jan Birenbaum Larry Birenbaum Zachary Bogue Brian Buenneke Kelly Bulkeley Jon Burgstone Lee Christensen Ron Conway Frank Currie Stephen Davis Quinn Delaney Michelle Douglas Alec Douglas Jake Douglas Becky Draper Leni Eccles Tawnie Farmer Jerry Fiddler Denise Foderaro Rufus Gifford Cindy Goldberg Evan Goldberg Lisa Goldman Doug Goldman Matthew [Goldman] J... [Goldman] M... Goldman Jim Greenberg Eric [Green] Lee Greenberg Bob Gregory [Colleen Haas] Doug [Haas] Drew [Hickory] Wayne Houston Jon Jordan Tony Kap... John Terry Lee Steve Katherine ... M... M... Craig Newmark |
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Lisa O... Rafael O... Renuka P... Frank Q... Azita R... Lorna R... Andy R... Deborah R... Peter R... Sandy R... Jeanne R... Mendel R... Autumn S... John [Scully] Regina [Scully] Steve Spinner Garen Staglin Noosheen Hashemi Shari Staglin Jeremy Stoppelman Jon Streeter Cissie Swig Ronald Taylor Sandi Thompson Ellen Thrower Jeff Ubben Raju Vegesna Bala Vegesna Steve Westly Stevie Wonder Pegi Young will.i.am |
The press corps was ushered into a large tent set up in the courtyard in the middle of Benioff's block-wide residence, to find Stevie Wonder entertaining the crowd; his final song was a new one composed for the occasion, entitled "Ten Billion Hearts," about joining together to heal the world....and the rest seemed to be not much more than a boilerplate stump speech. But...will.i.am at the table of honor?
The President was seated at Benioff's table; Wonder returned to sit at the President's side as Benioff introduced POTUS, saying that in a time of many crises, "we have the right person to lead us here." Recording artist Will.I.am was seated at the same table.
*VIP reception there for 50 who'll pay $10,000 each; they'll get a photo with the president. The take: $500,000.$500,000 + $250,000 + $300,000 + $53,000 = $1.1 million.
*Up front seating in Masonic: There will be opportunities for the seats in the first three rows for about 100 at $2,500 a piece. Total take: $250,000.
Next best seating: There will be somewhere between 200-300 seats in the next up front rows available for $1000 per person.The take: $200,000-$300,000.
Rest of the Masonic's 2,150 seats go for anywhere from $25 to $250. The low end tickets in the balcony are already sold out. Total take: Minimum $53,000.
Obama fails to fill the house....in SFThe following attached photos taken inside the Masonic event offer supplemental proof:
Zombie: I was at the Obama 2012 SF campaign kickoff rally Weds evening at the SF Masonic Center. The first sign that the event was in trouble was an urgent email on Monday announcing a "limited" number of tickets being made available at $25 (down from $250). Even so, the event was far from sold-out (notwithstanding being reported that way in http://sfappeal.com/news/2011/04/obama-warmly-received-at-masonic-hall-event-wednesday-night.php) at all levels. The attached photos speak for themselves. Definitely not the look or feel of Obama 20008 where this would have been one of the hottest seats in town. And this in San Francisco.
Furthermore, the reports of Obama's speech eliciting several standing ovations were arguably only true in the balcony if you included us getting up to leave. A perfunctory speech, a lackluster response...and noticeable grumblings and lack of enthusiasm from his base. The press reports made it seem otherwise, but if last night was any indication of where things are going, then Team Obama is in deep trouble.
I don't know whether to laugh, cry, or just feel embarrassed for everybody involved.
Obama: [in the middle of a speech] ...the hopes and dreams of ordinary folks.
Protester #1: Mr. President? We actually wrote you a song. Can we sing it?
Obama: Well, let me --
Protesters: (singing)
Dear Mr. President we honor you today, sir.
Each of us have given you $5,000.
It takes a lot of Benjamins to run a campaign.
We paid our dues, where's our change?
We'll vote for you in 2012, yes that's true:
Look at the Republicans - what else can we do?
Even though we don't know if we'll retain our liberties
In what you seem content to call a free society.
Yes it's true that Terry Jones is legally free
To burn a people's holy book in shameful effigy.
But at another location in this country
Alone in a 6x12 cell sits Bradley.
23 hours a day is night,
The 5th and 8th Amendments say this kind of thing ain't right.
We paid our dues, where's our change?
We paid our dues, where's our change?
Protesters: Thank you.
Obama: That was nice.
Protester #1: Thank you. We worked hard on it.
Obama: You have much better voices than I.
Protester #1: Free Bradley Manning.
Obama: OK, thank you very much.
Protester #2: Thank you for listening
Protester #3: We love you.
Obama: Well, I appreciate it. Now, where was I?
Audience: [Laughter. Applause.]
Protester #2: Respond to this.
Obama: [...continues prepared speech.]